Elogen, a GTT Group company, announcesthesigningof a contract with European renewableenergysolutionsspecialist ENERTRAG SE to develop and manufacture a 10 MW PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrolyser. Elogen will installitstechnologynear Magdeburg (Germany) in 2024. The projectisoneofmanygreen hydrogen projectscurrently being developedby ENERTRAG in northern and central Germany.
The Elogen electrolyser will produceup to 4 tonnesofgreen hydrogen per day, with theelectricalenergyrequiredforelectrolysiscomingexclusively from renewablesources.
The electrolyser will beoperated in a system-servingmanner to balancethefluctuationsof wind and sun in the power system. The green hydrogen will beused to decarbonise heavy industry and heavy goodstransport, to generateelectricityduring a blackout and, in themediumterm, to feedinto ONTRAS' 100% hydrogen pipelines.